【同义词辨析】 2020-01-16 哄诱coax-blandish

coax: suggests an artful, gentle pleading in an attempt to gain one's ends: ~ed their friends into staying for dinner.  gentle轻柔温和   (artful有技巧的implies insinuating or alluring indirectness in dealing and often connotes sophistication or coquetry or cleverness间接委婉,表示懂世故圆滑机灵讨人喜欢,如an artful matchmaker一位圆滑的/有手腕的交易能手)   这组只有coax不是贬义,把gentle和artful联想成GA公安,循循善

cajole: suggests enticing or alluring through beguilement: ~d by his friend into trying the exotic dish.   beguile诱骗stress the use of charm or persuasion to deceive使用魅力劝说来欺骗,如a beguiling smile迷人的微笑,如his ingratiating ways beguiled us all他讨好的姿态把我们都了。基础词guile表示狡诈奸猾implies sly or cunning intelligence,如he used all his guile and guts to free himself from the muddle he was in他竭尽自己全部的狡诈和胆量来摆脱困境,如guileless as doves and prudent as serpents像鸽子一样纯真,蛇一样谨慎。词根BE表示”使to make”,如befool愚弄befriend友善照顾belittle贬低轻视betroth许配bereave夺去,如之前的bewail、bemoan使悲哀)

wheedle: stresses the use of soft words, artful flattery, or seductive appeal: ~d the old man out of his money.  seduce引人入歧途

blandish: suggests open flattery and the obvious use of charm in an effort to win over: a salesclerk not above shamelessly ~ing customers.  形近词brandish表示威胁着挥动

coax诱劝: 指委婉轻柔劝说,以达到目的,cajole诱骗: 表示通过欺骗引诱,wheedle哄骗: 通过说好听奉承话来诱骗,多为了财物,blandish谄媚: 表示露骨奉承献媚,以求讨好

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCWB从此我不<==哄诱   ",引也",诱的意思是"",如荀子”不于誉,不恐于诽”,韩愈”无于势利”,如诱人诱发诱因诱饵诱惑诱骗。 ””有2个意思,1、辨别不清,等于””,如迷惑蛊惑惑人耳目 2、不明白确定,如疑惑困惑智者不惑。诱惑是因果关系

         2) 哄诱的意思是示好奉承以达到目的mean to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering.  flatter吹捧奉承implies insincere praise and compliments欠缺真诚的赞扬,如you flatter me immensely你太恭维我了,如he is above flattery他讨厌别人吹捧他,如the selfie flatters her自拍她本人,如I feels flattered by your invitation受你的邀请, 倍感荣幸